The next installation of the Barre legacy, the very first family to play through The Board Game Challenge!
Last time with the Barre legacy, our founder Chocolate was hastily married to Skullduggery Jones while on the rebound from her broken engagement with Joshua. Chocolate and Skullduggery immediately dashed off on their honeymoon to Takemizuu, consummated their marriage, and enjoyed a vast amount of pseudo-Asian culture. We left them just as they were returning home.

The lovely souvenirs from their visit to Takemizuu. Though actually, the Maneki Neko cat is one of the things Chocolate initially dug up when looking for a treasure chest. I let her keep it because it was so darn cute. XD Just lucky for me it fit in so well later!

First thing we make Skullduggery do upon coming back home? LEVEL UP HIS COOKING SKILL. I'm not taking any more chances at him burning down the house. :| He was alone only four hours last time before he had the whole kitchen flooded from the sprinkler trying to put out all the flames.

*sigh* I SUPPOSE it's an improvement. The fire sprinkler didn't go off this time, anyway.

What?? What is this? I'm no more pleased to hear from you than Chocolate is, Joshua. You can't just say all those nasty things and dump her, then call her a week later expecting everything to be alright. She's moved on, and you are a nasty little fellow. :P

Doesn't mean Chocolate can't brag about her awesome honeymoon to you though. >_> TELL HIM ABOUT ALL THE THINGS HE MISSED OUT ON, CHOCOLATE. He's a butthead and deserves to feel regret.

Chocolate: *pop* "Oh my god, sweetie! I think... I think I'm pregnant!"
Skullduggery: "Eww... does that mean this puddle is YOURS, and not Klondike's?"
Chocolate: ":| No. No it does not. I'm PREGNANT, not in labor. My water isn't going to break for like, 6 more months. And you would still be on puddle-duty even if it was mine."
Skullduggery: ":( That's not fair."
Chocolate: "I know. :)"

@_@ Such a cute little growing familyyy~~~ It's made a little less cute by the fact that they're all playing around a TOILET, but perhaps Bathtub Sailor Chocolate makes up for that. :3

Aww, poor dear. Pregnancy is so hard on them, isn't it? Though it isn't exactly easy on us, either.

*bouncey bouncey bounce* I am so excited for the first spawn!! I am also really loving my new default PJs. So comfy and slouchy looking. And CUTE. <3

Cuddles. <333 Skullduggery has been a very supportive husband and expecting father; making almost all the meals, and cleaning up the house as best he can. And providing lots and lots of cuddles. :3 All ladies need lots of cuddle, but pregnant ones especially, IMO.

Whoop! It's go-time!! *pats self on back for not having the first birth of the family be in a bathroom*

Chocolate: *births child*
Skullduggery: *yawn* "Hey hon, what you doing up? It's like the middle of the night. Man, I had the weirdest dream. You were being eaten by zombies or something, just screaming and screaming, like you were in the most intense pain EVER."
Chocolate: "NO WAY. No idea why you would have imagined me screaming in agony, nope, none at all. Not because I just gave birth to your first-born or anything. Nothing like that."
Skullduggery: "...what? *turns around* OH SHIT. BABY."

Baby, indeed. Girl baby! This is KitKat Barre, with all of her daddy's genetics, so far as we can tell. I don't mind too much, her dad has awesome genetics!

Always comforting when they're a good parent right off the bat. I always worry about them tripping over their baby for the whole next week if the first thing they do is set it on the floor. :| If they feed it first, they just tend to fare better as parents. So I approve, Chocolate, I definitely approve.

As per this generation's rules, after the birth of each child you've got to decrease how much spending money your family has by $1000 via cheats or buying useless deco items, and I chose useless deco items! So meet Maya and Nayam, everybody, our front door guardians, who both rang in at $505 each.

Ouch. They definitely put a dent in our budget, didn't they?
Also, I know it appears that Chocolate is not so old after all, and I know I put a lot of stress on the fact that she needed to get married and make babies RIGHT AWAY because she'd already been around two weeks, and THAT is because I am using an aging hack for this family. I noticed at the end of the Pokemons that my babies tended to become toddlers and then children in the blink of an eye, so I decided that perhaps extending everyone's lives would help me avoid that. So adults have about 39 days instead of 28, babies and toddlers have a few extra days, and I think children have about an extra week. I don't teens have too much more, since their age span lasted EONS already. :P

Chocolate: "Puddles!! :D :D *splashes happily*"
Klondike: "I get scolded when *I* play in puddles. You called them filthy. This so unfair."
Chocolate: "Puddles!! :D :D *continues to splash*"
Klondike: :|

Well, we're bringing in more money now, but alas no new uniform yet. *dreams of the day*

I figured it was about time for a maid. With all the turkeys Skullduggery keeps making and let rot on the counter, and all the baby bottles souring on the floor, their house was REALLY getting nasty. Chocolate is constantly busy with work, getting the friends and skills she needs to keep getting promoted, and then actually GOING to work the rest of the time. Skullduggery is always busy taking care of KitKat, and it just hasn't left a lot of time to clean. And as a bonus, the maid looks AWESOME.

Birthday for KitKat! Woo! Things happened between her birth and next birthday. I feel pretty accomplished.


EEE! SO CUTES. I love her hair choice. A little edgy for a toddler, but that just makes her all the more badass. I am a little sad she didn't get her mom's ears, but she really is too darn cute for me to hold it against her. <33

Aww. <3 First thing she wanted to do was give Klondike hugs. She appears to know just how to win me over. *suspicious*

Hahaha! Well, being cute with Klondike is bound to win ME over, yes, but I don't think Klondike is going to be too fond of you if you keep stealing his bed.

Skullduggery and Chocolate are very proper parents, and give KitKat all the love and attention she needs, and evenly split teaching the tasks she needs to grow up nice and fulfilled. Skullduggery took walking and nursery rhyme, while Chocolate took talking and potty-training.

Which is either evidenced here, or is just a picture of Chocolate checking out her husband's cute little heinie. You decide.

*sigh* Another promotion, and yet another day stuck in that horrible, borked outfit.

Skullduggery still does some tidying up around the house, even though there is a maid doing the majority of it nowadays, and KitKat.. tries to help? I'm sure she's just emptying the bowl out so her daddy can clean it out. Yup, totally what she's doing.

KitKat: "Kibble confwetti!!"
orrr.. not.

But she's still darn cute, no matter what she does. I seriously can not get enough of her CUTE LITTLE FACE. AUGH. I haven't liked a toddler this much in ages. Probably because I didn't really get to see them very long before I had this aging hack. XD

Chocolate is still being super-career-mommy, networking every night to meet her friend requirements, skilling up when needed, and being VERY enthusiastic about going to work each morning. I know I certainly don't happy-hover MY way to class/work each day. :P

I have NO idea why Skullduggery makes so many goddam turkeys. All the time, turkeys. It's definitely filling, and makes a lot of plates, but...

There are only two people who eat solid food in the house right now. We don't need to be cooking an ENTIRE TURKEY, EVERY DAY. Sometimes it's twice a day!! They just rot, man. So gross and so wasteful. Depleting my fridge so quickly. D:

In other news, everyone loves KitKat and she is still beyond adorable.

:O But what is this?? Possible competition on the way? AWESOME. :3

HALLELUJAH. A DIFFERENT WORK OUTFIT. asdfghjk so excited to have her proper skintone back.
Oh, and she reached the top of her career, too. Neat.

Hello again, Pochi. You haven't been here in a while. I suppose you heard there's another baby on the way? I know the master wolves like to hang around babies/toddlers and pregnant ladies. Kind of alarming, actually. But he's being pretty nice and peaceful for the moment, just sniffing Klondike a bit and getting to know him.

N'aww. I wish the master wolves were adoptable. Pochi would fit right in with everyone. <3

See?? He KNEW there was a baby in there.

But there will be one less toddler around the house pretty soon, because KitKat is growing up fast! But not nearly as fast as my toddlers used to. :3 I really do love my new aging lengths, guys. So much nicer for my playing style. I like to play on speed 3 and 2 a lot, and only pause for exciting things. >_>;;


And of course, she first thing she sets to doing is playing with Klondike. She was just too excited that she could do more than cuddle him now. XD

Goodness. I guess Klondike is going to be one of the few people/animals she's nice to, then. She has only 2 nice points, less than either of her parents, so I have NO idea where that came from. Her personality is actually not the same as either of her parents on ANY of the traits. She's certainly her own person.

Chocolate: "My belly is getting so much bigger! It's so exciting, Skullduggery. :3"
Skullduggery: "Mmm.. my belly is getting bigger, too. So much turkey. Man I love turkey."
We know, Skullduggery, really we do. But the person who knows the most is whoever ends up taking out the garbage, because MY GOODNESS we end up throwing a lot of that stuff away. Even with saving half of it in the fridge as leftovers. I can't get all of them, you make too many! STOP IT.
Skullduggery: "Turkey~~ :3"
Source: http://simppl-life.livejournal.com/20101.html
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