LOWCOUNTRY (WCSC) - Live 5 News Where You Live is giving you a chance to spread the word about things happening in your neighborhood!
We are searching for community reporters - giving you a chance to?write as many news stories as desired for our Where You Live pages.? It may be anything from breaking news to a?neighborhood event at a local park, or a yard?sale/bake sale?going on at your church or on your street.
Or maybe?you'd like to report on?local athletics, local theatre,?or new places to dine in your 'hood?
There's a place for all of that (and more!) on Where You Live.
If you are interested in becoming a community reporter, send an email to pweiss@live5news.com.?We'd love to hear about your interest in covering news for your community!
Source: http://goosecreek.live5news.com/news/events/75772-want-be-community-reporter
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